How to: Change the sand in your sand filter.

  1. Determine the amount of sand you will need by checking the label on the filter or call us with the name of the manufacturer and the model number.
  2. Now that you have the correct amount of sand; remove all the hoses and place them back into the pool so you do not lose any pool water.
  3. Remove the drain plug from the bottom of the filter and let the water drain out.
  4. Remove the clamp from around the multiport valve on your filter.
  5. Using a wet-dry vac (without the shop vac filter) suck all the sand out of the filter. The sand can be disposed of in flower beds around the yard.
  6. Using Duct Tape cover the opening of the standpipe coming up in the middle of the filter.
  7. Put the drain cap back on the bottom of the filter. Fill the tank half full of water.
  8. Once the tank is half full of water; add the correct amount of sand to your filter.
  9. When all the sand is in the filter tank; remove the Duct Tape and connect the multi-port valves and hoses.