Latham Barcelona

Latham Barcelona

The Latham Barcelona is the perfect rectangle shape with defining clear edges and purposefully curved stairs designed for fun and relaxation. This a classic example of a spacious rectangular pool with integrated stairs. Stairs make perfect places for sitting with small children in the pool.  The Latham Barcelona model is an excellent option if you would like to add a water feature to the pool like fountains, bubblers, or waterfalls – add life and visual interest to your pool. From the splashy and glamorous to the understated and chic, you can use water features to express your personality and make your pool stand apart from the rest of the neighborhood.

Standard in all Latham Barcelona pool packages is:

  • White LED pool light and transformer (75-watt light with 120v to 12v transformer. 75-watt LED light is equivalent to a 500-watt incandescent light bulb).
  •  Up to 90% energy-efficient VS 950 variable speed pump
  •  Sand filter
  •  Excavation (side-cast spoils)
  •  Well-point, backfill, 11.5” brick coping
  •  2’ of uncolored broom finish concrete (to create a 3’ wide deck around the pool)
  •  Maintenance kit (Portland Metro Area, pool-side access, level lot. Site inspection required.

The Latham Barcelona model pool as shown in this photo is in Classic Sapphire Blue.

Technical Specifications

Pool Type
Fiberglass In Ground
Pool Brand
Entertainment, Exercise, Family Time, Relaxation
16′ x 38′, Depth 3′-6″ to 7′

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